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Medical Counselling

Important MCC Upgradation Rules

In this article, I am going to cover four important rules regarding college upgradation in All India counselling conducted by Medical Counselling Committee.

NEET MCC Counselling Process Overview

Before talking about the medical college upgradation rules in NEET counselling. we need to understand the first understand the NEET MCC counselling process.

Round-1 Allotment

After Round-1 Allotment by MCC, candidates who are allotted seats will be requested to join the allotted medical college within 1 week. Lets say the allotted college for candidate is College-1.

Joining Allotted College

He/she needs to physically report at the college1 to complete the join formalities. First they need to pay the tuition fees and other fees. You cannot ask the college to adjust the security deposit amount paid to mcc counselling. Security deposit will be returned by MCC after the counselling gets over.

After payment of fees and handing over original documents, you need to opt for upgradation if you are interested to participate in 2nd round. College authorities will update MCC so that you will be allowed to participate in Round-2 choice filling. When you join the college, after handing over the originals, you need to request for bonafide certificate stating that the original documents are with the college. You can use this bonafide certificate to participate in state counselling.

Round -2 Choice Filling

You need to be careful while filling choices when you opt for upgradation. Make sure that you fill colleges which is 100% better than the earlier allotted college.

After the Round-2 allotment, if you are allotted college say college2. you need to go to the earlier allotted college1 to get the original documents and relieving letter. With this, you need to report to the newly allotted college and complete the joining formalities by paying the college fees.

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Four Important MCC Counselling Upgradation Rules

Now we will see the four important rules regarding MCC counselling upgradation.

Rule-1: Upgradation is allowed only during the Round-1. After round-2 allotment, if you join the allotted college, you become ineligible to opt for upgradation in mopup round and stray round counselling.

Rule-2: Reallocation fees. When you ask for fees refund from earlier allotted college, they will deduct reallocation charges which may range between Rs 1000 and Rs 75000 depending on the college. After deducting these charges, you will get the remaining fees amount after 1 week or max upto 30 days.

Rule-3: Reimbursement days varies from college to college. For some medical colleges, it is just one day and for many colleges it varies between 7 days to 30 days.  You may not have time to get back the refund from earlier allotted college and pay it in newly allotted college. So it is advisable to arrange money to pay the tuition fees from hand rather than waiting for the first allotted college to reimburse.

Rule-4: if seat is allotted in 2nd round, you cannot claim the round1 allotted college anymore as the same will be allotted to some other candidate. So make sure that you are 100% sure about the round-2 choices.


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