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MBBS Seat Reservation

Andhra Pradesh State Quota 85% MBBS seats are divided as follows

15% seats shall be reserved for SC candidates

6% of seats shall be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes in local area

10% for Economically Weaker Section candidates

29% of the available seats reserved for candidates belonging to Backward Classes

  • BC-A -7%
  • BC-B-10%
  • BC-C-1%
  • BC-D-7%
  • BC-E-4%

33.3 % of seats in state run medical colleges are reserved for women candidates in each category i.e., Open Competition, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribe, Backward Classes Groups A, B, C, D & E, Army quota and other reservations. This reservation shall not be applicable if women candidates selected on merit in each category already comes to 33.3%.

The Special category reservation for CAP (Army) 1 %, National Cadet Corps 1 %, Sports and Games 0.50%, Physically Challenged 5 % and Police Martyrs Children (PMC) 0.25%.

One Seat in Siddhartha Medical college Vijayawada is reserved for Anglo-Indians. Candidate should produce minority certificate to claim this seat.

If any reserved S.T seats are not filled up, they will be allotted to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and vice-versa. If SC and ST Seats are not filled up, these seas are allotted under open competition.

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Andhra Pradesh Medical Colleges Quota Abbreviations

Quota Description
AIQ All India Quota in State Govt Colleges
ESI Insured Persons Quota in ESIC Colleges
OPQ Open Quota in Central Govt Colleges
SQ State Quota in Govt and Private Medical Colleges. Only State Domicile Eligible
MQ Management Quota in Private Colleges. Only State Domicile Eligible
OPN Open Management Quota in Private Colleges. Other state students can apply.
NRI Non Resident Indian Quota in Private Colleges and Deemed Universities
MNQ Management quota in Deemed Universities. All State Candidates Eligible

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Andhra Pradesh Medical Colleges Reservation Category Abbreviations

Category Description
ANGLO-NL Anglo Indian Non Local
BCA OBC Category A
BCA-CAP-F-NL OBC Category A Central Armed Paramilitary Female Non Local
BCA-CAP-NL OBC Category A Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
BCA-F OBC Category A Female
BCA-F-NL OBC Category A Female Non Local
BCA-NCC OBC Category A National Cadet Corps
BCA-NCC-F OBC Category A National Cadet Corps Female
BCA-NL OBC Category A Non Local
BCB OBC Category B
BCB- PH OBC Category B Physically Challenged
BCB-CAP-F-NL OBC Category B Central Armed Paramilitary Female Non Local
BCB-CAP-NL OBC Category B Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
BCB-F OBC Category B Female
BCB-F-NL OBC Category B Female Non Local
BCB-NCC OBC Category B National Cadet Corps
BCB-NL OBC Category B Non Local
BCC OBC Category C
BCC-F OBC Category C Female
BCC-F-NL OBC Category C Female Non Local
BCC-NL OBC Category C Non Local
BCD OBC Category D
BCD-CAP-F-NL OBC Category D Central Armed Paramilitary Female Non Local
BCD-CAP-NL OBC Category D Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
BCD-F OBC Category D Female
BCD-F-NL OBC Category D Non Local Female
BCD-NCC OBC Category D National Cadet Corps
BCD-NCC-F OBC Category D National Cadet Corps Female
BCD-NL OBC Category D Non Local
BCE OBC Category E
BCE-CAP-NL OBC Category E Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
BCE-F OBC Category E Female
BCE-F-NL OBC Category E Female Non Local
BCE-NCC OBC Category E National Cadet Corps
BCE-NL OBC Category E Non Local
EWS Economically Weaker Section
EWS-F Economically Weaker Section Female
MIN Minority
MIN-NL Minority Non Local
OC Open Category
OC-CAP-F-NL Open Category Central Armed Paramilitary Female Non Local
OC-CAP-NL Open Category Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
OC-F Open Category Female
OC-F-NL Open Category Female Non Local
OC-NCC Open Category Nattional Cadet Corps
OC-NCC-F Open Category National Cadet Corps Female
OC-NCC-F-NL Open Category National Cadet Corps Female Non Local
OC-NCC-NL Open Category National Cadet Corps Non Local
OC-NL Open Category Non Local
OC-PH Open Category Physically Handicapped
OC-PH-F Open Category Physically Handicapped Female
OC-PH-NL Open Category Physically Handicapped Non Local
SC Scheduled Caste
SC- PH -F Scheduled Caste Physically Handicapped Female
SC-CAP-F-NL Scheduled Caste Central Armed Paramilitary Female Non Local
SC-CAP-NL Scheduled Caste Central Armed Paramilitary Non Local
SC-F Scheduled Caste Female
SC-F-NL Scheduled Caste Female Non Local
SC-NCC Schedule Caste National Cadet Corps
SC-NCC-F Schedule Caste National Cadet Corps Female
SC-NL Scheduled Caste Non Local
SC-PH-F Scheduled Caste Physically Handicapped Female
SC-PH-F-NL Scheduled Caste Physically Handicapped Female Non Local
ST Scheduled Tribe
ST-F Scheduled Tribe Female
ST-F-NL Scheduled Tribe Female Non Local
ST-NCC Scheduled Tribe National Cadet Corps
ST-NL Scheduled Tribe Non Local

21 Reviews

April 18, 2023 at 7:26 am

there will be 1 or 2 seats under BCB-CAP category….cut off will be close to 425.

April 28, 2023 at 2:57 pm

Sir I am an ncc b certicate cadet and my category is oc how much cutt o

    May 1, 2023 at 6:40 am

    last year cut off score was 524.

D Sai Sampoorna Sree
May 9, 2023 at 12:51 pm

I am belong to ST (W). & local in AP I may get 422 marks in NEET -2023 . Shall I expect to seat in AP.

    May 9, 2023 at 1:12 pm

    Last year AP ST cutoff is 400 so you have chance in SQ seat, but please wait till results if we predict with AIR we get better accuracy, want to know which colleges you are going to get pls Download our app from play store and predict your chances.

May 19, 2023 at 11:16 am

Sir my son may get 410 marks in neet.willhe get seat in deemed University.
In 3rd b category

    May 23, 2023 at 8:01 am

    yes. he has chance to get in many deemed universities but there is no reservation under deemed university counselling

May 25, 2023 at 9:40 am

Sir key 370 marks have can u conform seat in mbbs in Andhra r telengana sc caste

June 1, 2023 at 7:28 pm

whatsapp 9894449602 for AP and other state counselling guidance…

June 10, 2023 at 7:24 am

sir iam scored 450 my category BC-B any chance to get set kindly tell me any suggestions sir

kona srinivasa Rao
June 15, 2023 at 10:53 am

How many seats allotted for other state quota in Andhra Pradesh state college wise

June 15, 2023 at 12:37 pm

I have got 452 marks and have a defence quota .Iam open category.can I expected any seat?

June 16, 2023 at 2:04 pm

My NEET is in 2025 ,I got State and national medals, is there any sports quota to me in 2025 ,if is there means what is cutoff marks

K khaja hussain
June 18, 2023 at 1:58 am

Hi there sir My daughter got 407 belongs to general category…claiming under …NCC having A certificate along with TSC SELECTION INTERGROUP COMPETITIONS CERTIFICATE ….is there any chance to get this time in Neet councelling -2023

And certificates not uploaded

Please respond

sai shiva keshava reddy
June 28, 2023 at 12:39 pm

sir my name is sai shiva keshava reddy I got 319 in NEET I’m in EWS with National sports certificate.can get a MBBS seat ?

sai shiva keshava reddy
June 28, 2023 at 12:41 pm

sir I got 319 marks in NEET UG I’m in Economically Weaker Section and I got national sports certificate do I have any chance to get an MBBS seat ? please respond sir

July 2, 2023 at 12:08 am

Sir I got 432 and I have reservation,I belong to sc category my category rank is 834 and can I get medical seat

Ruttala narendra
July 19, 2023 at 12:23 am

Sir my name is ruttala narendra I have ncc-A certificate and national sport certificate and my reservation is bc-d and is got 445 marks in neet 2023 should I get seat in mbbs

December 26, 2023 at 11:55 pm

What level of sports certificates is required for MBBS, sir, and what is the NEET score?

December 26, 2023 at 11:59 pm

Please respond

September 3, 2024 at 6:14 am

Sir I got 511arks in neet 2024 bcd -cat
Will I get a cat pvt clg

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