Expected NEET Cut off 2025 in Andhra Pradesh MBBS Colleges

In Andhra Pradesh state many MBBS aspirants and parents want to know their chances to get a best medical college. In this article, we will see how you can predict expected Andhra Pradesh NEET 2025 Cut off with highest possible accuracy.

1. Expected Andhra Pradesh NEET 2025 Closing Rank Cut off

Comparing your NEET score with last year NEET score cut off will give least accuracy while predicting whether you have chance to get government colleges or category -A seats in Andhra Pradesh counselling. This is mainly because question paper difficulty level varies every year. If question paper is easy, then NEET score cut off for that year will be high and vice versa. We recommend you to use your All India Closing Rank or State Closing Rank or State Reservation Category Closing Rank while predicting your chance to get particular quota or particular Andhra Medical college.

If you use All India Rank, then the data set size is 15+ lakhs, if you use State rank, it reduces to 50,000+ and if you use your category rank, it further reduces the data set size to few thousands. Smaller the data set higher the accuracy of prediction.  To know more about accuracy of NEET prediction, read How to Predict Medical Colleges for Your NEET Rank Accurately

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1.1 NEET 2025 Result Data List

Andhra State Counselling Authority, NTR (YSR) University of Health Sciences will release  NEET 2025 Data Result List containing NEET 2025 scores of Andhra Pradesh students who have given their native state as Andhra Pradesh during the NEET registration, once  NEET results are out. To know the over all performance of Andhra Pradesh candidates in NEET 2025 we need to compare NEET 2024 data result set with 2025. ( We will do the comparison and publish the data once NTRUHS release the data, so please revisit this page after the NEET results)

1.2  NEET 2024 Result Data List

Andhra Pradesh State Counselling Authority Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences will release soon NEET 2024 Data Result List containing NEET 2024 scores of students who have given their native state as Andhra Pradesh during the NEET registration. Now we have the over all performance of students in NEET 2024 data from MBBSCouncil App exclusively. While comparing number of candidates in neet score range from 2023 to 2024 number of candidates drastically increased.

Above table explains us how number of candidates increased this year. During 2023, 2442 candidates scored 550+  but in 2024 that increased to 4945. Based on the above data we came to know that in 2024 score cut off is going to increase.

Andhra Pradesh NEET Result contains All India Rank, NEET Roll number, reservation category given during NEET application along with NEET score.  The first column contains your AP state rank. Andhra Pradesh is divided into two regions, Andhra University region and Sri Venkateshwara University region based on the districts.

We can compare Andhra Pradesh NEET 2024 Result List with NEET 2023 Result List to know how Andhra Pradesh students have performed during 2024 compared to previous year. This will help you to understand whether the current year AP state quota cut off will increase or decrease compared to last year.

Last Year Prediction

Below 10000 All India Rank, we find 271 candidates from Andhra Pradesh compared to 360 AP candidates last year. Andhra NEET 2022 aspirants performed little lesser than the last year.  Similarly we find below 1,00,000 AIR also, we find less Andhra Pradesh candidates compared to last year. So we are sure that this year NEET 2024 score cut off is going to come down this year.

Lets predict how much NEET score it can decrease compared to last year by comparing state rank  of NEET 2021 and NEET 2020 Data Merit List. We have given predictions for Category -A MBBS Seats in private medical colleges.

For this year prediction please visit this page after merit list released by YSRUHS

Category AIR2022 SR2022 Score2022 Score2021 Difference
OC 63212 2165 528 528 +0
BCA 112302 4343 465 470 -5
BCB 107975 4165 470 484 -14
BCC 81230 3038 503 483 +20
BCD 105422 4062 473 510 -37
BCE 112482 4359 465 446 +21
SC 150863 5846 425 433 -8
ST 195925 7145 385 395 -10

We have given last year All India Closing Rank cut off for all reservation categories of Andhra Pradesh category-A Government quota seats in Andhra Pradesh State Counselling. For Open category, 2022 All India rank closing rank cut off was 63212,  the corresponding state closing rank was 2165 and NEET 2022 score cut off was 528.

We can predict this year NEET 2023 score cut off by checking current year score for AP State Rank 2245. This year Andhra Pradesh NEET 2021 result list yet to be released. Once it released we need to find the corresponding score for AP State Rank 2245, based on that score we can predict this year cutoff score.
For actual prediction visit this page after merit list is released
Similarly we can predict the same above for all other reservation Categories.

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1.2  NEET 2022 Verified Merit List

After Andhra Pradesh State quota counselling registration and document verification, it will release verified state merit list which contains candidate region and reservation category. Based on region, you need to calculate your AP State Rank and category rank.

If you belong to Open category or trying for management quota, then use state regional rank. For other reservation categories, you need to use corresponding category rank. If you find it difficult to calculate your regional rank or category rank, contact helpline 044-46313330 if you are on premium MBBSCouncil subscription.

Compare your rank with last year closing rank for all Andhra Pradesh medical colleges by visiting “NEET cutoff” Menu from MBBSCouncil App. Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences Chittoor cut off screen of the app is shown here for your reference.

Apollo Inst Chittoor Cutoff

  • SQ denotes Andhra Pradesh State Quota
  • BCA represents the reservation category
  • NL represents 15% non local quota
  • F represents Female quota.
  • Last number denotes the counselling round.
  • AIR represents All India Closing Rank
  • SR represents Andhra State Regional Closing Rank(SVU or AU depending on the college)
  • CR represents Andhra State Reservation Category Rank

If you belong to BCA category from SVU region and your BCA local category rank is 127, you wouldn’t have got seat in Apollo Inst of Medical Sciences during Ist round counselling, but you would have got seat during second round. For Other region candidates(SVU or OU),  state category rank should be less than 312 to get into Apollo Medical college.

Andhra Pradesh Category Rank do not vary much every year during counselling as it is directly proportional to the number of MBBS seats available under that reservation category. If there are any new additional seats, then category rank cut off for current year will be proportionally higher compared to the number of seat increase for that reservation category.

After NEET 2023 verified list is released by Andhra State Counselling authority, we will predict NEET 2023 cut off based on the regional state ranks and regional category ranks.

You can install MBBSCouncil Android App from google play store to get community rank cut off for all Andhra Pradesh Medical colleges to predict which college you have chance to get for your regional community rank or AP State regional rank.

2. Last Year NEET 2024 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

2.1 All India Quota NEET 2024 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 18420 660
2 EWS 22561 655
3 OBC 19261 660
4 SC 100056 580
5 ST 135676 551

2.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2024 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred college in Andhra Pradesh last year was Govt Medical College Nandyal and Govt Medical College Paderu. These two medical colleges were recently started.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC-AU 43323 709 0 631
2 OC-SVU 59258 498 0 616
3 BCA-AU 83214 1594 129 595
4 BCA-SVU 98495 1021 85 581
5 BCB-AU 85322 1643 195 593
6 BCB-SVU 101648 1066 163 579
7 BCC-AU 89840 1759 21 589
8 BCC-SVU 128355 1489 15 557
9 BCD-AU 61321 1080 262 614
10 BCD-SVU 97492 1006 99 582
11 BCE-AU 134275 2880 60 552
12 BCE-SVU 107549 0 0 574
13 SC-AU 140992 3036 196 547
14 SC-SVU 155515 1938 148 536
15 ST-AU 201386 4257 76 502
16 ST-SVU 213650 2740 65 494

Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Andhra State Closing Rank. Fourth Column represents AP State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your local category rank is less than 115, then you have good chance to get Andhra Pradesh government medical colleges through AP state quota during current year counselling.

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2.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2024 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC-AU 60647 615
2 OC-SVU 75529 601
3 BCA-AU 114616 568
4 BCA-SVU 121873 562
5 BCB-AU 125578 559
6 BCB-SVU 129402 556
7 BCC-AU 96297 583
8 BCC-SVU 191194 510
9 BCD-AU 84046 594
10 BCD-SVU 125101 560
11 BCE-AU 175017 521
12 BCE-SVU 133052 553
13 SC-AU 176997 520
14 SC-SVU 194911 507
15 ST-AU 247454 472
16 ST-SVU 250115 470
17 MNG-L 312868 432
18 OPMQ 327933 424
19 NRI 1385060 128

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see last year NEET Score/All India Closing Rank/State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cutoff for all government medical college as well as private medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click To Download MBBSCouncil Android App.

3. Last Year NEET 2023 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

3.1 All India Quota NEET 2023 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 19568 617
2 EWS 22411 612
3 OBC 20098 616
4 SC 109295 499
5 ST 130475 479

3.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2023 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred college in Andhra Pradesh last year was Govt Medical College Nandyal and Rajiv Gandhi Inst of Medical Sciences Kadapa. These two medical colleges were recently started.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 50983 529 567
2 BCA 92592 1243 98 517
3 BCB 92010 1230 206 517
4 BCC 130166 1852 16 479
5 BCD 90532 1200 115 519
6 BCE 134319 3268 76 475
7 EWS 57613 631 558
8 SC 134496 1935 161 475
9 ST 180199 4190 85 436

Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Andhra State Closing Rank. Fourth Column represents AP State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your local category rank is less than 115, then you have good chance to get Andhra Pradesh government medical colleges through AP state quota during current year counselling.

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You are running this organization as a responsible citizen, which is a good cause intended to create awareness among the ignorant, less knowledgeable and less fortunate parents with some reasonable charges to help their dream medical career
Mr. Prasath - Sri Balaji Medical College

3.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2023 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 69941 543
2 BCA 119569 489
3 BCB 112158 496
4 BCC 155682 456
5 BCD 111696 497
6 BCE 153509 458
7 SC 161718 451
8 ST 211061 413
9 OPN 166344 447
10 MNG-L 310969 352
11 MM 350665 332
12 NRI 1209284 108

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see last year NEET Score/All India Closing Rank/State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cutoff for all government medical college as well as private medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click To Download MBBSCouncil Android App.

4. Last Year NEET 2022 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

4.1 All India Quota NEET 2022 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 17997 606
2 EWS 19452 603
3 OBC 18681 605
4 SC 95757 485
5 ST 123469 453

4.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2022 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred college in Andhra Pradesh last year was Rajiv Gandhi Inst of Medical Sciences Kadapa and Srikakulam. These two medical colleges were recently started.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 63212 3369 528
2 BCA 200701 7264 685 381
3 BCB 104141 4007 568 475
4 BCC 126129 4924 75 450
5 BCD 100300 3860 709 479
6 BCE 113892 4421 166 464
7 EWS 102007 3926 960 477
8 SC 203197 7333 944 379
9 ST 178045 6674 299 400

Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Andhra State Closing Rank. Fourth Column represents AP State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your local category rank is less than 86, then you have good chance to get Andhra Pradesh government medical colleges through AP state quota during current year counselling.

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You are running this organization as a responsible citizen, which is a good cause intended to create awareness among the ignorant, less knowledgeable and less fortunate parents with some reasonable charges to help their dream medical career
Mr. Prasath - Sri Balaji Medical College

4.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2022k Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 63212 528
2 BCA 112302 465
3 BCB 107975 470
4 BCC 81230 503
5 BCD 105422 473
6 BCE 112482 465
7 SC 150863 425
8 ST 195925 385
9 OPN 423978 248
10 OPN-L 264089 335
11 MM 184719 395
12 NRI 1028488 96

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see last year NEET Score/All India Closing Rank/State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cutoff for all government medical college as well as private medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click To Download MBBSCouncil Android App.

5. Last Year NEET 2021 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

5.1 All India Quota NEET 2021 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 21183 595
2 EWS 19746 598
3 OBC 19553 599
4 SC 107932 475
5 ST 126548 456

5.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2021 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred college in Andhra Pradesh last year was Rajiv Gandhi Inst of Medical Sciences Kadapa and Srikakulam. These two medical colleges were recently started.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 44540 1305 553
2 BCA 85314 1113 93 499
3 BCB 70530 875 153 517
4 BCC 106253 1453 8 476
5 BCD 71643 894 86 515
6 BCE 104122 2180 53 479
7 EWS 59048 87 8 532
8 SC 132251 1899 138 451
9 ST 157409 3211 54 428

Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Andhra State Closing Rank. Fourth Column represents AP State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your local category rank is less than 86, then you have good chance to get Andhra Pradesh government medical colleges through AP state quota during current year counselling.

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5.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2021 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 58213 533
2 BCA 110528 472
3 BCB 96484 487
4 BCC 119207 463
5 BCD 95125 488
6 BCE 137659 446
7 SC 150534 434
8 ST 197410 396
9 OPN 180669 409
10 MM 131372 452
11 NRI 921109 108

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see last year NEET Score/All India Closing Rank/State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cutoff for all government medical college as well as private medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click To Download MBBSCouncil Android App.

6. Last Year NEET 2020 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

6.1 All India Quota NEET 2020 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 14206 613
2 EWS 6713 636
3 OBC 7176 635
4 SC 79721 508
5 ST 86336 500

6.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2020 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred college in Andhra Pradesh last year was Rajiv Gandhi Inst of Medical Sciences Kadapa and Srikakulam. These two medical colleges were recently started.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 41469 1523 561
2 BCA 82269 3640 287 505
3 BCB 65203 2755 439 527
4 BCC 110932 5140 65 472
5 BCD 62108 2573 447 531
6 BCE 115113 5328 233 467
7 EWS 48718 1881 550
8 SC 139911 6511 460 442
9 ST 159389 7289 303 423

Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Andhra State Closing Rank. Fourth Column represents AP State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCC category and your category rank is less than 65, then you have good chance to get Andhra Pradesh government medical colleges through AP state quota during current year counselling.

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"MBBS Council App has been very useful to pursue my daughter's career. It has really been useful to make my daughter college selection list wisely. It has enlightened me about the various colleges, NEET cut off, Fees and college Infrastructure. Thank you very much for your guidance and support for being a part of my daughter's journey to full-fill her ambition."
Mr. Shanmuga Sundaram - Sri Ramachandra Medical College

6.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2020 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 54995 541
2 BCA 101551 482
3 BCB 92931 492
4 BCC 146364 436
5 BCD 90455 495
6 BCE 178969 406
7 SC 164796 418
8 ST 327618 297
9 OPN 231998 362
10 MM 575682 181
11 NRI 816371 113

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see last year NEET Score/All India Closing Rank/State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cutoff for all government medical college as well as private medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click To Download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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7. Last Year NEET 2019 Cut off for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

7.1 All India Quota NEET 2019 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 12356 583
2 SC 72080 465
3 ST 66308 473

7.2 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2019 Cut off – Government Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 37398 2167 521
2 EWS 36867 2130 381 522
3 BCA 64172 4217 332 476
4 BCB 60141 3891 619 482
5 BCC 53374 3380 38 493
6 BCD 51779 3268 583 496
7 BCE 85771 5749 207 447
8 SC 99171 6611 457 431
9 ST 124480 8144 315 404

7.3 Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET 2019 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OPN 227387 320
2 OC 57022 487
3 BCA 112676 416
4 BCB 64871 475
5 BCC 87043 446
6 BCD 61845 480
7 BCE 116764 412
8 SC 125433 403
9 ST 157437 374

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see NEET score/All India Closing Rank/ State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cut off for all government medical college and private medical colleges for Andhra Pradesh State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click to download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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  • my neet2023 rank is 199982 ,,,,category rank is 14249 i belongs to sc can i get cat-A seat in andhrapradesh

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