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Telangana State MBBS candidates and parents would like to predict their chance to get which types of medical college(government or private or deemed), quota (All India quota, State Quota, Category-A semi government quota, Management Quota, and NRI Quota), or a particular Telangana medical college. In this article, we will see how you can predict expected Telangana State quota NEET 2025 Cut off with highest possible accuracy.

1. Expected Telangana NEET 2025 Closing Rank Cut off

Comparing your NEET score with last year NEET score cut off for a particular quota will give least accuracy while predicting whether you have chance to get government colleges or semi government category -A MBBS seats in Telangana State counselling. This is mainly because question paper difficulty level as well as NEET student performance varies every year. So we recommend to use NEET All India Closing Rank or State Closing Rank or State Reservation Category Closing Rank of medical colleges while predicting your chance to get particular quota or particular Andhra Medical college.  If you use All India Rank for cut off prediction, then the data set size is 15+ lakhs, if you use State rank, it reduces to 50,000+(only Telangana students) and if you use your category rank, it further reduces the data set size to few thousands. Smaller the data set higher the accuracy of prediction.  To know more about accuracy of NEET prediction, read How to Predict Medical Colleges for Your NEET Rank Accurately

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1.1 NEET 2025 Result Data List

Telangana State Counselling Authority, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences will release  NEET 2025 Data Result List containing NEET 2025 scores of Telangana students who have given their native state as Telangana during the NEET registration, once  NEET results are out. To know the over all performance of Telangana candidates in NEET 2025 we need to compare NEET 2024 data result set with 2025. ( We will do the comparison and publish the data once KNRUHS release the data, so please revisit this page after the NEET results).

1.2  NEET 2024 Result Data List

Telangana State Counselling Authority, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences will release  NEET 2024 Data Result List containing NEET 2024 scores of Telangana students who have given their native state as Telangana during the NEET registration soon. Now we have the over all performance of students in NEET 2024 data from MBBSCouncil App exclusively. While comparing last year AIR with this year AIR score is drastically increased.


Above table explains us how score increased this year. Last year someone scored 500 has the All India Rank of 108486, But this year who scored 573 attain the AIR of 108486. Based on the above data we came to know that this year score cut off is going to increase.

2024 Govt College Cutoff Category wise :

Category AIR SR CR Score
BCA 304074 8175 363 437
BCB 209431 4266 846 497
BCC 264890 6469 44 461
BCD 201354 3985 605 502
BCE 210260 4279 514 496
OC 183702 3405 0 515
SC 283945 7326 758 449
ST 265425 6486 470 447
EWS 174218 3091 0 522

Telangana State NEET Result contains NEET Roll number, reservation category given during NEET application, NEET score and All India Rank.  The first column contains your Telangana state rank.

We can compare Telangana NEET 2024 Result List with NEET 2023 Result List to know how Telangana candidates have performed during 2024 NEET exam compared to previous year. This will help us to understand whether current year TS state quota cut off will increase or decrease compared to last year.

AIR 2020 Candidates 2021 Candidates 2022 Candidates 2023 Candidates 2024 Candidates
Below 10000 260 232 240 263 159
Below 50000 1187 867 888 859 673
Below 75000 1960 1532 1498 1381 1041
Below 100000 2823 2347 2241 2078 1468
Below 150000 4702 4349 4234 3796 2611

Below 10000 All India Rank, we find only 159 candidates from Telangana compared to 263 TS candidates last year. Telangana NEET 2024 students performance decreased little bit compared to the last year. We find the same below 1,00,000 All India Rank, less Telangana candidates compared to last year. So we can be sure that this year NEET 2024 score cut off for Telangana is increased as expected.

Lets predict how much NEET score it can increase compared to last year by comparing Telangana state rank of NEET 2024 and NEET 2023 Data Merit List. We have given predictions for Category -A MBBS Seats in private medical colleges of Telangana below.

Category AIR – 2023 SR – 2023 Score – 2023 Score – 2024 Difference
BCA 227420 6717 402 462 60
BCB 164094 4155 449 504 55
BCC 242035 7227 392 455 63
BCD 158095 3894 454 509 55
BCE 172612 4502 442 497 55
EWS 95141 1780 514 567 53
OC 148844 3542 462 517 55
SC 216731 6239 409 469 60
ST 199379 5544 422 479 57

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We have given last year All India Closing Rank cut off for all reservation categories of Telangana category-A Government quota seats in Telangana State Counselling. For Open category, 2020 All India rank closing rank cut off was 97331,  the corresponding state closing rank was 2103 and NEET 2021 score cut off was 486.

We can predict this year NEET 2022 score cut off for Telangana by checking current year score for Telangana State Rank 2103. When we checked this year Telangana NEET 2022 result list,  for last year State Closing Rank 2103, we found NEET score as 484. So compared to last year, NEET score cut off is expected to decrease by 2 marks.

Similarly we have found cut off for all other Telangana reservation categories. for BC sub categories BCB, BCD and BCE and EWS we are expecting cut off to decrease by around 15 marks during 2022 Telangana State Counseling for semi government MBBS seats in Telangana Private Medical Colleges.

1.3 NEET 2021 Applied Candidate List

KNRUHS will Release NEET 2022 Telangana State Applied Candidate List. It contains candidate’s NEET Roll number, NEET All India Rank, NEET Score, Applied Candidate Category and Local Region. Based on this data, we can get OU region state rank and category rank by omitting candidates from AU and SVU region. Based on the last year OU local region closing state rank and category rank, we can get expected NEET 2022 score cut off.

Category AIR 2020 SR2020 Score2020 Score2021 Difference
OC 89011 2383 497 478 19
BCA 162484 224 420 399 21
BCB 101425 580 483 463 20
BCC 147626 37 434 405 29
BCD 93980 375 491 474 17
BCE 117399 3364 465 452 13
EWS 77358 1992 511 489 22
SC 171264 493 412 420 -8
ST 133013 237 449 457 -8

Above, I have listed last year All India closing rank, OU region state closing rank and OU region category closing rank for Government Quota(Category-A) seats in Telangana. For OC category and EWS category OU region state rank is used and for other reservations category rank is used for prediction. For Example under BCC category, last year candidate with OU community rank 37 got seat under Category-A. His NEET score was 434. If we check the NEET score of candidate who secured OU category rank 37 in this year applied merit list, we get 405 NEET score. So this year we expect the NEET score cut off for BCC category to be around 405. decrease of 29 marks compared to last year.

Category ranks do not vary much every year as they are directly related to the number of MBBS seats available in that reservation category. So if your BCC category rank this year is less than 37 this year, you have very good chance to get Telangana govt quota MBBS seat.

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1.4 NEET 2021 Verified Merit List

After Telangana State quota counselling registration and document verification, Kaloji Narayana University of Health Sciences released verified Telangana state merit list which contains All India Rank, NEET roll number, candidate region and reservation category. For local quota, calculate state merit rank neglecting other areas such as SVU and AU. You need to use combined State Rank and category rank if you are applying under non local quota.

Telangana 2021 Verified Merit List

If you belong to Open category or trying for management quota in Telangana State Counselling, then use state regional rank. For other reservation categories, you need to use corresponding category rank. If you find it difficult to calculate your regional rank or category rank, contact helpline 044-46313330 if you are on premium MBBSCouncil subscription.

You can get OU Region Rank and OU Region Category Rank, Non Local Rank and Non Local Category Rank  by entering your NEET Roll Number and All India Rank. Click State Rank Retriever to get your rank. If you are from Andhra Pradesh, use Non Local Rank and Non Local Category Rank for prediction.

Compare your rank with last year closing rank for all Telangana medical colleges by visiting “NEET cutoff” Menu from MBBSCouncil App. Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad cut off screen of the app is shown here for your reference.

Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences Hyderabad Cutoff

  • SQ denotes Telangana State Quota
  • BCA represents the reservation category
  • NL represents 15% non local quota
  • F represents Female quota
  • Last number denotes the counselling round
  • AIR represents All India Closing Rank
  • SR represents Telangana State Regional Closing Rank(OU Area Rank or Non Local Rank)
  • CR represents Telangana State Reservation Category Rank(OU Category Rank or Non Local Category Rank)

If you belong to BCA category from OU region and your BCA category rank is 120, you wouldn’t have got seat in Kamineni IMS Hyderabad during Ist round counselling , but you would have got seat during second round. For Other region candidates(SVU or AU),  state category rank of BCB candidate should be less than 154 to get into Kamineni Medical College Hyderabad during third round counselling.

Telangana Category Rank do not vary much every year during counselling as it is directly proportional to the number of MBBS seats available under that reservation category. If there are any new additional seats in Telangana Counselling, then category rank cut off for current year will proportionally increase compared to the number of seat increase for that particular reservation category.

After NEET 2021 verified list is released by Telangana Counselling authority, we can predict NEET 2021 cut off based on the OU region state ranks and OU region category ranks as well for ranks for Non local quota.

You can install MBBSCouncil Android App from google play store to get community rank cut off for all Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Medical colleges to predict which college you have chance to get for your OU community rank or Telangana State OU regional rank.

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2. Last Year NEET 2024 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

2. 1 All India Quota NEET 2024 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 22815 655
2 OBC 22905 655
3 SC 123262 561
4 ST 154947 536
5 EWS 26593 650

2.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2024 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2024 was Govt Medical College Jogulamba Gadwal followed by Govt Medical College Kumuram Bheem Asifabad.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 183702 3405 515
2 BCA 304074 8175 363 437
3 BCB 209431 4266 846 497
5 BCC 264890 6469 44 461
6 BCD 201354 3985 605 502
7 BCE 210260 4279 514 496
8 EWS 174218 3091 522
9 SC 283945 7326 758 449
10 ST 265425 6486 470 447

The cut off given above is Local Cut off for all reservation categories. Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Telangana State Closing Rank for local quota. Fourth Column represents Telangana State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your category rank is less than 600 , then you have good chance to get Telangana government medical colleges through TS state quota during current year counselling.

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2.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2024 Cut off – Private Colleges

SNO Category AIR Cut Off Score Cut Off
1 OC 194230 507
2 BCA 331615 422
3 BCB 226644 485
4 BCC 307657 435
5 BCD 212347 495
6 BCE 22348 487
7 EWS 77611 600
8 SC 311090 433
9 ST 288683 446
10 OPN 250684 470
11 MNG-L 514058 337
12 MIN 511558 338
13 NRI 1381207 129

If you want to know NEET score cut off for any government medical college or private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details, you can download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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3. Last Year NEET 2023 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

3. 1 All India Quota NEET 2023 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 20409 615
2 OBC 22831 611
3 SC 124159 485
4 ST 148725 462

3.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2023 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2023 was Government Medical College -Nalgonda followed by GMC-Suryapet.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 149722/37657 3565/963 461/586
2 BCA 236040/74327 7038/2477 330/82 396/537
3 BCB 166328/54305 4239/820 892/168 447/562
5 BCC 243919/21822 7311/587 45/2 391/613
6 BCD 162150/61568 4079/1812 667/187 451/553
7 BCE 174324/56937 4571/872 523/67 441/559
8 EWS 142345 3290 468
9 SC 219550/124667 6360/5479 622/263 407/484
10 ST 202665/103304 5660/2020 407/83 419/505

The cut off given above is Local Cutoff / Non Local Cut off for all reservation categories. Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Telangana State Closing Rank for local quota followed by non-local quota. Fourth Column represents Telangana State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your category rank is less than 650 , then you have good chance to get Telangana government medical colleges through TS state quota during current year counselling.

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3.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2023 Cut off – Private Colleges

SNO Category AIR Cut Off Score Cut Off
1 OC 159284 453
2 BCA 255785 384
3 BCB 179029 437
4 BCC 262999 379
5 BCD 175009 440
6 BCE 184000 433
7 EWS 119897 489
8 SC 243596 391
9 ST 226996 402
10 OPN 102828 506
11 MNG-L 475735 277
12 MIN 417066 301
13 NRI 1184384 111

If you want to know NEET score cut off for any government medical college or private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details, you can download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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4. Last Year NEET 2022 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

4. 1 All India Quota NEET 2022 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 22689 596
2 OBC 22719 596
3 SC 121948 455
4 ST 148523 427

4.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2022 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2022 was Government Medical College -Nalgonda followed by GMC-Suryapet.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 100466/63845 2040/1930 479/527
2 BCA 220164/112401 5819/4729 282/237 366/465
3 BCB 139212/108112 3419/1519 729/277 437/470
5 BCC 187589/28697 5017/644 40/4 392/584
6 BCD 131839/77626 3140/2686 531/301 444/508
7 BCE 135767/117193 3299/5039 344/332 440/460
8 EWS 126851/49945 2968/748 1057/379 449/548
9 SC 211242/153806 5610/7151 618/566 373/422
10 ST 175910/152718 4687/7088 332/272 402/423

The cut off given above is Local Cutoff / Non Local Cut off for all reservation categories. Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Telangana State Closing Rank for local quota followed by non-local quota. Fourth Column represents Telangana State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCD category and your category rank is less than 600 , then you have good chance to get Telangana government medical colleges through TS state quota during current year counselling.

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4.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2022 Cut off – Private Colleges

SNO Category AIR Cut Off Score Cut Off
1 OC 127151 449
2 BCA 228094 360
3 BCB 139544 436
4 BCC 212431 372
5 BCD 131918 444
6 BCE 154093 422
7 EWS 127208 449
8 SC 212068 372
9 ST 209646 374
10 OPN 357124 283
11 MIN 211325 373
12 NRI 1055181 93

Last year NRI seats were converted to management quota seats during the last round counselling, the cut off for NRI CONVERTED Seats was AIR 902524.

If you want to know NEET score cut off for any government medical college or private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details, you can download  Install MBBSCouncil App

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5. Last Year NEET 2021 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

5. 1 All India Quota NEET 2021 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 20964 595
2 OBC 21150 595
3 SC 109310 473
4 ST 104313 478

5.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2021 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2020 was Government Medical College -Nalgonda followed by GMC-Suryapet.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 76032/53621 3025/1782 510/539
2 BCA 149555/98664 3971/4390 137/192 435/484
3 BCB 71054/63574 1951/3093 490/508 590/508
5 BCC 128789/71450 3232/2765 19/20 454/516
6 BCD 85274/60201 1724/2122 209/222 499/530
7 BCE 102441/51477 2275/1676 222/101 480/542
8 EWS 95817 2029 813 487
9 SC 129811/119926 3267/5620 280/318 453/465
10 ST 113245/94949 2681/4163 180/144 469/488

The cut off given above is Local Cutoff / Non Local Cut off for all reservation categories. Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Telangana State Closing Rank for local quota followed by non-local quota. Fourth Column represents Telangana State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCC category and your category rank is less than 95 , then you have good chance to get Telangana government medical colleges through TS state quota during current year counselling.

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5.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2021 Cut off – Private Colleges

SNO Category AIR Cut Off Score Cut Off
1 OC 102525 480
2 BCA 196244 397
3 BCB 119329 463
4 BCC 185365 405
5 BCD 110562 472
6 BCE 132077 451
7 EWS 95656 488
8 SC 172892 415
9 ST 142618 441
10 OPN 193252 399
11 MIN 136279 447
12 NRI 923783 108

Last year NRI seats were converted to management quota seats during the last round counselling, the cut off for NRI CONVERTED Seats was AIR 815741.

If you want to know NEET score cut off for any government medical college or private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details, you can download MBBSCouncil Android App

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6. Last Year NEET 2020 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

6. 1 All India Quota NEET 2020 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 14824 612
2 OBC 11315 621
3 SC 80150 508
4 ST 75298 514

6.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2020 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2020 was Government Medical College -Nalgonda followed by GMC-Suryapet.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 76032/53621 3025/1782 510/539
2 BCA 149555/98664 3971/4390 137/192 435/484
3 BCB 93607/77301 1951/3093 385/470 490/508
5 BCC 128789/71450 3232/2765 19/20 454/516
6 BCD 72621/67954 3362/3042 494/447 517/523
7 BCE 84877/74280 4135/3448 284/233 502/515
8 EWS 72075 3328 518
9 SC 134319/119926 6972/6190 438/327 447/462
10 ST 104164/98879 5286/4973 157/131 479/485

The cut off given above is Local Cutoff / Non Local Cut off for all reservation categories. Second Column represents reservation category, Third column represents All India Closing Rank for government medical colleges. Third column represents Telangana State Closing Rank for local quota followed by non-local quota. Fourth Column represents Telangana State Category closing rank. Last column represents the corresponding NEET score cut off. For Example, If you belong to BCC category and your category rank is less than 95 , then you have good chance to get Telangana government medical colleges through TS state quota during current year counselling.

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You are running this organization as a responsible citizen, which is a good cause intended to create awareness among the ignorant, less knowledgeable and less fortunate parents with some reasonable charges to help their dream medical career
Mr. Prasath - Sri Balaji Medical College

6.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2020 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OPN 257332 343
2 OC 89011/55240 497/541
3 BCA 162484/103750 420/480
4 BCB 101425/93684 483/492
5 BCC 147626 434
6 BCD 93980/76444 491/512
7 BCE 117399/116958 465/465
8 EWS 77358 511
9 SC 171264/154842 412/427
10 ST 133013/117009 449/465
11 MM 528623 199
12 NRI 810279 115

Last year NRI seats were converted to management quota seats during the last round counselling, the cut off for NRI CONVERTED Seats was AIR 815741.

If you want to know NEET score cut off for any government medical college or private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details, you can download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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7. Last Year NEET 2019 Cut off for Telangana Govt Colleges

7.1 All India Quota NEET 2019 Cut off

S.No Category AIR Cutoff NEET Cutoff
1 GN 12542 582
2 SC 72631 464
3 ST 61663 480

7.2 Telangana State Quota NEET 2019 Cut off – Government Colleges

Least preferred Government Medical College in Telangana state during 2019 was GMC-Nalgonda followed by GMC-Suryapet.

S.No Category AIR Cutoff SR Cutoff CR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OC 49071 2551 500
2 BCA 89725 5258 304 442
3 BCB 51356 2694 531 497
5 BCC 77946 4476 45 457
6 BCD 51508 2707 443 496
7 BCE 74933 4289 268 461
8 EWS 47180 2398 503
9 SC 103697 6106 397 426
10 ST 81843 4741 174 452

7.3 Telangana State Quota NEET 2019 Cut off – Private Colleges

S.No Category AIR Cutoff Score Cutoff
1 OPN 171312 362
2 OC 57588 486
3 BCA 112262 417
4 BCB 65623 474
5 BCC 104553 425
6 BCD 65616 474
7 BCE 93434 438
8 EWS 47180 503
9 SC 123387 405
10 ST 102646 427

If you are on paid subscription on MBBSCouncil App, you can see NEET score/All India Closing Rank/ State Closing Rank/Category Closing Rank cut off for all government medical college and private medical colleges for Telangana State Quota/Management Quota along with Tuition Fees details. Click to download MBBSCouncil Android App.

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17 Reviews

Prem Chakravarthy Damuluri
July 25, 2022 at 11:46 pm


Prem Chakravarthy Damuluri
July 25, 2022 at 11:47 pm

Good to see details

September 8, 2022 at 3:26 pm

neet Air rank 321289 any chance in telagana college BCa catagory

    October 4, 2022 at 7:29 am

    last year closing rank was close to 1.5 lakh.

October 22, 2022 at 10:55 pm


P Muralidhar
June 27, 2023 at 8:55 pm

443 BCD telangana what’s is the choices A Cat seats in telangana

Hemantha Lakshmi
July 3, 2023 at 6:14 pm

Telangana state rank 9815 any chance of management sear

Hemantha Lakshmi
July 3, 2023 at 6:14 pm


August 8, 2023 at 9:21 pm

Air rank 395266 BC a grils telagana state any chance MBBS telagana state

August 8, 2023 at 9:21 pm

Tel me

July 1, 2024 at 5:26 pm

383808 AIR Rank any confirm MBBS Seat in telengana

    December 24, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    Kindly contact this MBBSCouncil helpline number 6382088809

A Prabhakar Rao
September 11, 2024 at 8:01 pm

Waiting for your reply

B Rajeshwari
October 10, 2024 at 6:04 pm

Bc..b category 452marksmbbs lo seat vasunda

    November 7, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    Kindly Contact Our Helpline Number 98944 49602

    November 14, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    Kindly Contact MBBSCouncil Helpline Number 6382088809

    November 29, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    Kindly contact this MBBSCouncil helpline number 6382088809

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