Andhra Pradesh State Quota MBBS Admission NEET Counselling Procedure

Find Andhra Pradesh State Quota NEET counselling information such as Counselling Procedure, Cut off, Seat Matrix, Tuition Fees, Eligibility, etc here.

MBBS Admission Counselling for Andhra Pradesh State Quota is conducted by Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada. 85% of MBBS seats in all government colleges located in the state of Andhra Pradesh are allotted to students who are native to the state. Apart from government colleges, management quota seats as well as NRI Quota seats in private medical colleges are allotted by YSR University of Health Sciences.

Table of Contents

1. Quick Summary
2. Counselling Procedure
3. Counselling Registration
4. Allotment Process
5. Eligibility – State Counselling
6. Domicile Rules
7. Seat Reservation
8. Seat Matrix
9. Required Documents
10. NEET Cut off

Quick Summary

Mode of Counselling Online
Conducting Authority Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada
Total Medical College Participating 17 Govt Colleges, 18 Self-Financing Colleges
Total MBBS Seats Govt 3,110
Total MBBS Seats Private Govt Quota – 1550; Mgmt Quota – 1092; NRI Quota – 458
Tuition Fees Govt College – Rs 10,000/Year,
Govt Quota – Rs 15,000/Year
Mgmt Quota – Rs 12 Lakhs/Year,
NRI – Upto Rs 36 Lakhs/Year
Registration Date 2 to 3 Weeks After NEET Result Announcement
Registration Fees GN/OBC – 3,540/ ; SC/ST – 2,950/
Registration Website
Phone Helpline 8978780501, 7997710168 ,9493998537, 9493998437
Email Helpline

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Andhra Pradesh State Counselling Procedure

Andhra Pradesh State Quota Counselling conducted by YSR Health Sciences University Vijayawada includes MBBS Seats in government and private medical colleges located in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Management Quota Seats in self-financing colleges in Andhra Pradesh are open for students from any state of India.

Counselling Steps and Schedule of Events:

  1. Release of NEET Result Data for Candidates From Andhra  – 1 to 2 Weeks After NEET Result
  2. AP MBBS Admission Notification –  2 to 3 Weeks After NEET Result
  3. Online application/Registration – 1 Week After AP NEET Result Data Release
  4. Provisional Applied Merit List – 1 Week After Registration
  5. Document Verification – 2 Days after Provisional Applied Merit List
  6. Verified Merit List – Soon After document verification
  7. Seat Matrix Release – Just Before the Choice Filling Opens
  8. Choice Filling – 2 Days for choice filling
  9. First round of AP MBBS Allotment –
  10. Allotment Choice Confirmation –
  11. Second Round Counselling Allotment –
  12. Third Round Counselling will be conducted if There are Unfilled Government Quota Seats
  13. Commencement of MBBS Course

Andhra Pradesh State Counselling Registration

Application for Pre-counselling & Online fee payment:
The pre-counseling phase is introduced to prepare the State Wise Merit list of Andhra Pradesh for participation in the state quota UG medical counselling.

  • Open the website and register online.
  • Registration Form will appear. Candidate should provide the details of NEET Roll No, NEET Rank, D.O.B, and Mobile Number to register and Click the validate button.
  • If all the details are entered is correct, Candidate will receive the Registration number.
  • Note the Registration number for further Process and click OK
  • After this process, candidates should enter Roll Number and their Registration number for updating the further details and click the Validate Button.
  • The application form will be displayed. Candidates must fill their personal details required on it.
  • Click the Save and Exit Button after the form filling. This process can be repeated till the data are entered is correct and click on Save and Pay Button to proceed for payment.
  • After this registration candidate can do the Choice filling.
  • Depending on the caste and category, the Registration fee varies for the candidate. For OC/BC = Rs 3,540 and SC/ST = Rs 2,950, Once paid the fees will not be refund.
  • So candidates must request to double check the eligibility and conditions, then pay the fee.
    Candidate will be directed to the Payment Gateway click OK.
  • Select mode of payment and make Payment. After the payment process is completed, Candidate will receive a Successful Payment message.
  • The Register fee can be paid through Debit / Credit card or Net Banking
  • The fees paid by the applicant is not transferable or refundable under any circumstances.
  • Then Click OK Button and get filled application form, and take printout of this form.
  • The candidate should paste same passport size photograph that is used while applying for NEET-UG in the print out of online application form and submit during the time of original certificates verification.

The Application will not be considered for admission to MBBS courses unless the print-out application form along with the requisite enclosures is submitted at the time of verification of original certificates.

  • Do not use mobile phones or tablets while filling application online.
  • Use only windows computers with Internet Explorer 11 to fill the form.
  • Registration number sent to your registered mobile should be noted down for future reference.

Counselling Process for Government and Private Medical Colleges of AP

After online registration, provisional merit list will be released by the University asking for students  who appear in provisional merit list to verify their original documents. All documents uploaded during the registration needs to be taken along with the originals for verification.

Provisional Merit List

The Provisional Merit Position of the Students those who applied through online in response to the notification issued by Dr. NTRUHS for competent authority quota seats into MBBS courses shall be determined by current year NEET score. If your application is accepted, you will see your name along with your registration number in the provisional NEET merit list.

Verification of Original Certificates:

Candidate should use the same photograph used during NEET application form in the space provided in the counselling application form and submit it during the original certificate verification time. You need to bring three sets of attested copies of required certificates at the verification center notified by University. You are allowed to take one parent/guardian along with you for document verification.

After the verification of original certificates at the centers notified by the University, Then the University will release the final Merit Position.

For all special category reservation and students residing in districts of OU Area(Telangana), Krishna and Guntur Districts, verification center is Administrative Building, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

For candidates residing in districts of Visakhapatnam,, Srikakulam and Vizianagaram verification center is Administrative Building, Opp. School of Distance Education, Andhra University Campus, Visakhapatnam.

For candidates residing in districts of Prakasam, Nellore, and Chittoor verification center is Old MBA BUILDING, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi.

For candidates residing in districts of Kurnool, Kadapa and Ananthapur verification center is  SGPR Government Polytechnic College, Kurnool.

For candidates residing in districts of East Godavari and West Godavari verification center is  Government Polytechnic for women, Near Karanam gari Junction, Kakinada.

You will be notified by the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences about the venue as well as date and time for the verification during the counselling.

First Round Counselling:
MBBS Admission counselling is conducted online. The applicant will participate in the first round counselling by selecting if they were ready to join, and would proceed the admission process.

If a candidate refuses it, will be able to participate in the second round counselling, students can do this with former registration.

Area wise seat matrix is displayed in counselling website for the information of the students to exercise their college preference. You can exercise any number of choices. Candidates are advised to take the print out of the saved colleges options. If seat is allotted, you will receive SMS about the allotted medical college. You have to download the provisional allotment order after paying university fees online. After checking final allotment letter, take printout of allotment letter from the website and report to the allotted college on or before the date mentioned on the order. Student should take all original documents to the college and pay the tuition fees to complete the admission.

Second Round Counselling:

Candidates, who got admission in 1st Phase of counseling and want to change their college can exercise their college preference options during second round counselling only after joining the allotted college in the first round. The candidates who have not joined in the allotted colleges in 1st Phase of counseling cannot exercise college preferences  in the 2nd Phase of counseling.

Third Round Counselling:(Online)

  • The Unfilled seats of previous rounds of counselling, non joined vacant seats, seats reverted from All India Quota are allotted during the third round of counselling.
  • Students who got admission in earlier rounds of counseling and want to change their college,  and those who did not get allotment in the previous counselling phases can exercise web college preferences in third and final round of counselling.
  • The candidate who is allotted seat in the Final Phase of Counseling should compulsorily join the allotted medical college.
  • On allotment of a seat in this phase of counseling, the seat allotted in the previous counselling stands cancelled automatically.
  • Any unfilled NRI quota seats will be available as NRI Converted Seats. During choice filling, you can include NRIConverted, Management and NRI quota. NRIConverted seats tution fees is same as NRI quota but non-NRI candidates are also eligible.

Mop-up counselling:(Online)

The vacancies after Final(IIIrd) Phase of counseling will be filled during the MOP-UP round of AP State counseling. If candidate is allotted seat in any round of counseling, then they are not eligible for Mop-up round counseling. During MOP-UP counseling, the candidate is not allowed to cancel allotted MBBS Seat. All rounds of counseling for Admission is conducted online only.

Stray Round Counseling:

Any unfilled seat for management quota and NRI quota during mopup round counselling will be carry forward to next rounds until all seats get filled. Last year,  it takes 7 rounds to fill all management quota seats. Many private colleges has few NRI seats unfilled which got converted to NRI-Converted seats and filled with management quota candidates.

Separate Counselling For Category-B and Category-C Seats:

Separate Online Applications should be filled to participate for category-B (management quota) seats and for Category-C (NRI quota) seats. Any Indian Citizen including students from other states are eligible for admission into Management Quota (Category B & C) seats for MBBS in Private Un-aided Minority, Non-Minority Medical and NRI Quota Seats. NRI Quota seats in Sri Padmavathi Medical College are available only for Women candidates who belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The counselling website for management quota seats is

The university Fees for Management quota is Rs 25000 and for NRI Quota, it is Rs 65500. Candidates attending the Counseling for Verification shall pay non – refundable Fee of Rs. 7,080/- (Including GST ) in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of “Registrar, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences” payable at Vijayawada.

Eligibility for Andhra State Counselling

  • The candidate should be an Indian National or PIO(Person of Indian Origin), OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) Card Holder and should satisfy the Local or Non-local status in Andhra Pradesh
  • The candidate should have qualified in 10, +2 pattern or its equivalent examination with PCB (Botany, Zoology) / Biotechnology and English.
  • OC candidates with 50% marks in Sciences. BC/SC/ST candidates with 40% marks in Sciences. OC PH candidates with 45% marks in Sciences.
  • The candidate should complete 17 years of age as on 31-12-2021.
  • The candidates should qualify National Eligibility-cum- Entrance Test (NEET) UG.
    • General category – 50th Percentile.
    • SC/ST/BC – 40th Percentile.
    • Persons with Disability – 45th Percentile.

Domicile Rules:

Non local students are eligible for 15% unreserved seats only. The local candidates are eligible for 85% local seats as well as 15% unreserved seats.

Districts of East Godavari, West Godavari, Prakasam, Krishna, Srikakulam, Guntur, Vizianagaram, and Visakhapatnam are called as Andhra University Area and shall be regarded as the local area for the Andhra University for the purpose of admission.

Districts of Chittoor, Ananthapur, Kurnool, Kadapa, and Nellore shall be regarded as local area for Sri Venkateswara University for the purpose of admission.

Telangana State Districts such as Adilabad, Rangareddy, Hyderabad, Medak, Nizamabad, Khammam, Karimnagar,, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, and Warangal shall be regarded as local area for Osmania University for the purpose of admission.

Candidate studied in local area for a period of not less than 4 consecutive academic years and completed +2/PUC.

Candidate studied in the Andhra Pradesh State for a period of not less than 7 consecutive academic years in two ore more local areas, then where they complete the qualifying examination is considered as local area. Even if candidate has not studied but resided in the state for consecutive 7 year, then the maximum resided area is considered as local area.

Candidates resided in the Andhra Pradesh State for a total period of 10 years after excluding periods of study outside the State or either of the parents resided in Andhra Pradesh State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of employment outside the State. These candidates are eligible for 15%  unreserved seats only.

Children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government or other similar Public Institutions within the State Public Sector Corporation Local Bodies. These candidates are eligible for 15%  unreserved seats only.

Relevant certificates for domicile criteria should be obtained from the Revenue Authorities.

MBBS Seat Reservation

To know more Click Here

MBBS Seat Matrix – Andhra Pradesh State Colleges

Andhra Pradesh State has 17 medical colleges run by state government and 18 self-financed private medical colleges. Padmavathi Medical College for Women is Autonomous Institution which reserves 22 AIQ seats and 23 NRI seats. Rest of the seats are available under competent authority quota. Nimra and Fathima Medical Colleges are Muslim minority colleges. Siddhartha Medical college is state wide college and the rest of the colleges are either Andhra University (AU) area or Sri Venkateswara University Area. All these colleges has 15% seat reservation for non-local students including students from Telangana State/ Osmania University Area.
To know more Click Here

Documents Required for Andhra Pradesh State Counselling

  • Print out of Online Application form affixing the photo used for NEET registration with signature.
  • Admit Card of NEET UG.
  • Rank card of NEET UG.
  • SSLC or equivalent examination showing the Date of Birth.
  • Mark Sheet of qualifying examination in Intermediate / Equivalent examination.
  •  Transfer certificate.
  • Study Certificate(s) from 6th class to Intermediate.
  • In candidates studied outside the state of Andhra Pradesh, a residence certificate of the candidate or either of the parent issued by MRO / Tahsildar for a period of 10 years should be submitted.
  • Candidates applying under any Special categories should provide the necessary certificate for the claim.
  • Permanent Caste/Community Certificate to claim reservation under BC/SC/ST Categories issued by competent authority.
  • For those who claim fees exemption, white ration card or latest Income certificate of the Parents issued by MRO / Tahsildar
  • Aadhar Card.
  • Local status certificate issued by MRO for claiming as AP local for children of parents who migrated from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh.
  • Two sets of xerox copies with self-attestation.

Last Year NEET Score Cut off / Closing Rank for Andhra Pradesh Govt Colleges

NEET Score, All India Rank, State Rank and Community rank of last Andhra Pradesh state student who got MBBS Seat last year through Andhra Pradesh State Quota for Government as well as private Medical Colleges can be found by clicking Andhra Pradesh NEET Cut off

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