Last year round 2 closing cut off score for All India government colleges was 655 and the respective All India Rank was 22,995.
More than 90% of First Time NEET Counselling Participants do choice filling and join allotted college without considering the future prospects of their medical career.
One of the key factor which determines how successful doctor you become, depends on the medical college you choice during NEET Admission counselling.
Do you know it takes minimum of 11 years to become successful doctor in India?
Let us consider one allotment scenario which happened during NEET 2021 Counselling,
Haran Samraj who secured NEET score 705, with All India Rank 105 picked Thoothukudi Medical College through All India Counselling. The very next candidate, Varun Aditya with All India Rank 106 picked JIPMER Puducherry.
Haran Samraj could have got JIPMER Puducherry or best medical colleges in the Tamil Nadu state, which is Madras Medical College for this rank. His medical career would have been much better if he had decided to join JIPMER or Madras Medical College as it provides the best exposure and platform for USMLE/NEET PG/NEXT examination.
Do you know more than 80% of candidates do not join the allotted college during the first round MCC counselling?
It is important for every medical aspirant, to know below basic counselling terminologies to better understand the counselling process. It will help them to have better clarity while getting the best medical college for their NEET score/rank.
Learn Basics of NEET Admission Concepts for MBBS/PG counselling within 3 hours by spending cost of one movie ticket. Dont waste time searching here and there. Find everything here in one place.
Buy NEET Counselling E-Book(₹180) >>Top NEET rankers and bottom NEET rankers participate in more than one NEET Admission counselling in order to get the best medical college for their NEET Score / Rank within their budget.
Top rankers (AIR 1 to AIR 10000), participate for AIIMS Open Quota Counselling, AFMC counselling, MCC All India Quota Counselling, MCC BHU and AMU Quota counselling, and their respective state counselling.
Average Rank Holders (AIR 25000 To AIR 100000) from highly competitive NEET states such as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, etc and Below Average Rank Holders (AIR 100000 To AIR 300000) from rest of the states participate in multiple counselling conducted by various government counselling authorities in order to get best college within their budget
Do you know, certain quota and certain states complete their NEET counselling registration much before the NEET results are released by National Testing Agency?
If you are looking under management category, you are eligible to participate for 12+ state government NEET counselling. If you are applying under NRI category, you are eligible to participate in almost all state government NEET counselling.
Depending on your NEET All India Rank and budget you need to participate in counselling conducted by above counselling authorities to pick best medical college for your NEET score within your budget.
The most common quota known to many of the NEET aspirants are All India Quota and State Quota in Government Medical colleges.
In government medical colleges run by state government, 85% of seats are called as State Quota and are reserved for native state students and 15% seats are available for any state students through All India Quota.
Incase of NEET PG counselling, 50% seats are reserved for State Quota and another 50% is available for All India Quota candidates.
Apart from these two quota, there are many other quotas available in government colleges such as Open Quota, ESI quota, Internal Quota, Central Pool Quota, Local Quota, Regional Quota, IRT Quota, Management Quota and NRI Quota.
When it comes to private colleges, it has state government quota, management quota, open management quota, minority quota, NRI Lapsed Quota, NRI Quota.
In another article, we will see every quota in detail.
Do you know JIPMER has NRI quota seats available for lowest tuition fees?
Not Just JIPMER, many other government medical colleges have NRI quota seats for which students from any state is eligible to participate. You can install MBBSCouncil app to know last year cut off score and rank for these NRI seats.
Knowing various quotas available in different types of medical colleges, will put you ahead of others in NEET counselling to get best medical college for your NEET score within your budget.
Counselling happens in multiple rounds. Students apply for multiple counselling to get the best medical college. Toppers whose NEET All India rank is less than 20000 will be allotted MBBS seat in both all india quota counselling as well as through state quota counselling.
So, they will pick the MBBS seat in a better medical college in one counselling and vacate the seat they got in another NEET counselling. These vacated seats will be filled by the counselling authority in subsequent rounds of counselling.
As multiple counselling are conducted in parallel, there will be high movement of candidates from one counselling to another during the first round of counselling.
For All India Quota and Open Quota, 4 rounds of counselling is conducted by Medical Counselling committee. The third round of counselling is also called as mopup round counselling and the fourth round of counselling is called as stray round counselling.
Starting from NEET 2022, there will not be any upgradation after 2nd round of counselling for both All India Quota as well as State Quota as per the latest NMC notification. We will learn more about this later in this article.
If you are interested to get counselling updates and reminders from 20+ various NEET counselling across India in one place, you can install MBBSCouncil App. It will ensure that never miss any counselling update, through out the NEET Admission counselling period.
Counselling Registration starts within 1 month after the NEET exam results are announced. Every candidate is going to register for at least 2 counselling, All India Counselling and their home state
Apart from this, you may register for other state counselling depending on your NEET score.
You need to pay registration fees ranging between Rs 1000 to Rs 5000 per counselling registration depending on the state.
Apart from the application/counselling fees, you should also pay a security deposit amount ranging between Rs 10000 to Rs 5 lakhs depending on the quota and counselling you are applying for.
If you do not join the allotted college after the allotment(especially after 2nd round), you would lose the security deposit amount paid during the counselling. So you need to very careful while opting colleges during the choice filling.
When applying for more than one mopup round counselling, you will be losing the security deposit amount if you get allotment in both counselling. You will end up joining in one of the allotted college and lose your security deposit in another counselling. If you have predicted your chance and know which counselling and college you have chance to get, then you could avoid losing money.
Do you know that you will get back the security deposit amount only after 3 to 4 months of counselling. So you need to prepare financially if you are planning for private or deemed medical colleges.
As multiple counselling run in parallel, there will be movement of students from one counselling to counselling.
You are allowed to move between state and All India counselling within the first two rounds of counselling. After 2nd round, you cannot move to better college across counselling as well as within counselling.
For example, Lets say, you joined Government Medical College Palakkad allotted during 2nd round through Kerala state counselling. For the 3rd round counselling, You will not allowed to participate in both All India counselling as well as Kerala State counselling even if there are vacant seats in Government Medical College Thrissur. GMC Thrissur started in 1981 with average allotted NEET score almost twice of Palakkad which was started in 2014.
Few counselling authorities expect you to physically present for document verification. When you are participating in multiple counselling, you need to make sure that there is no clash in dates.
Rajasthan conducts Offline counselling after conducting the first round State Counselling. If you apply for Rajasthan medical colleges, then you have to be physically present in RUHS dental college, Jaipur in order to participate in the counselling.
Similarly, most of the state counselling authorities conduct mop-round counselling only in offline mode. If there is clash between two counselling dates, you need to take cautious decision to pick which one to participate depending on your probability and budget requirements.
If you need guidance during NEET counselling, you can take premium guidance from personal counsellor by clicking the Whatsapp or Phone button on the home screen of MBBSCouncil App.
One of the easiest way to go about choice filling is to know the college preference list of last year allotment. Knowing how candidates preferred particular medical college can be retrieved from the allotment list by checking the closing rank for all medical colleges.
For Example, AIIMS Delhi would be the first medical college to fill up in the All India counselling, followed by Maulana Azad Medical College, and so on. If you get the list of colleges based on where it ranked during last year preference, you can get rough idea on how to go about your choice filling order.
If you are looking only within your state, you can use the state preference rank of the colleges using the college ranker facility available on MBBSCouncil Android App.
After finishing the final year MBBS exam, candidate need to undergo CRMI which means Clinical Rotatory Medical Internship for 12 months to get the MBBS course certificate.
During this time, candidate will get temporary registration with State medical council which will enable them to do the practice in hospitals for CRMI. During the internship, monthly stipend is paid by the affiliated hospital which varies depending on the type of the medical college.
Government medical college pay highest stipend and private medical college pay less or zero stipend during internship. You will learn more about this when you read different types of medical colleges article.
Depending on the college type and location of the college, you may have to serve the state government health department for 1 year in most of the states and for few years in few states such as Haryana, Assam, etc.
Haryana State asks for 40 lakhs bank guarantee such that, every candidate complete 7 years of rural service, which is one of the highest among states.
During the compulsory rural service, you will be paid salary at par with the in-service entry level state government doctor.
For candidates who got allotment under PG course through counselling, this compulsory service can be done after the completion of PG course after getting prior permission from the respective state medical authority.
India is producing 1 dentist for every three doctors. Dental is one specialization among 30+ medical specializations. Do you know 317 Dental colleges in India are creating 10 times more dentists that what is required for one medical specialization?
We already have 1 dentist for every 5000 people as per the Dental Council of India (289627 registered dental practitioners). We have well surpassed the World Health Organization recommended ratio of 1:7500.
Note that there is no dental post at Primary Health center level and most of the dentists currently compete in the urban area for their survival.
So, BDS is no longer a good career option. 5% of the dentists produced have successful career apart from the ones who are financially sound to setup their own clinic with dental equipment. So, we do not encourage medical aspirants to pick dental careers.
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