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Medical Counselling

How to Choose Good Medical College – Top 10 Factors

Irrespective of whether you are participating in All India Counselling conducted by Medical Counselling Committee or State Counselling conducted by respective State government authority for MBBS Admission, you need to have good understanding about the quality of medical colleges in India in order to give the correct preference order during choice filling or college selection during MBBS Admission Counselling.

1. How to Choose Good Medical College For Choice Filling

During choice filling, you need to give your college preference in the order in which you want the allotment to happen. In general, top medical colleges such as AIIMS, JIPMER are put at the top and high fees colleges as well as far away colleges like the ones in North eastern states are put at the bottom of your preference order.

There is no ranking given by medical counselling committee or state counselling authority for the medical colleges which participate in the counselling process. MBBSCouncil have come up with top 10 ranking factors for medical colleges, based on the Medical Council of India Assessment reports. Based on these rankings, you can come up with college choices during the online counselling.

2. Top 10 Factors To Rank Medical Colleges

Candidates who are choosing a medical college should consider following 10 factors which gives fair idea about the quality of medical education before they decide to fill college choices for the admission process.

  1. Tuition Fees, Hostel Fees, Miscellaneous Fees
  2. Age of the Medical College
  3. Number of MBBS Seats
  4. Number of PG Courses
  5. Patient Flow in Affiliated Hospitals
  6. Hospital Infrastructure Like Total In-Patient Beds, Super Specialty Departments
  7. Compulsory Rural Service Years and Bond Penalty Amount
  8. Internal Quota For Post Graduate Studies
  9. Stipend During Clinical Rotation Internship
  10. Location of the College

Above information for all medical Colleges in India is available on MBBSCouncil Android App. Search For “MBBS Admission” in google play store and install MBBSCouncil App to see these details. This will help you to rank colleges effectively during online choice filling for both All India Counselling as well as State Counselling.

3. NIRF Ranking Of Indian Medical Colleges

    1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi
    2. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh
    3. Christian Medical College Vellore
    4. National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences Bangalore
    5. Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences Lucknow
    6. Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
    7. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Kochi
    8. Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research Puducherry
    9. Kasturba Medical College Manipal
    10. King George Medical University Lucknow
    11. Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences New Delhi
    12. Madras Medical College Chennai
    13. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education And Research Chennai
    14. St. John’s Medical College Bengaluru
    15. Aligarh Muslim University
    16. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi
    17. Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi
    18. Christian Medical College Ludhiana
    19. University College of Medical Sciences Delhi
    20. JSS Medical College Mysore
    21. Kasturba Medical College Mangaluru
    22. Jamia Hamdard New Delhi
    23. Siksha O Anusandhan Bhubaneswar
    24. Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune
    25. Govt. Medical College & Hospital Chandigarh
    26. Dayanand Medical College Ludhiana
    27. Sawai Man Singh Medical College Jaipur
    28. PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Coimbatore
    29. Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Wardha
    30. M. S. Ramaiah Medical College Bengaluru
    31. S. R. M. Institute of Science and Technology  Chennai
    32. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Bhubaneswar
    33. Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College Haryana
    34. Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Chennai
    35. Annamalai University Annamalainagar
    36. K. S. Hegde Medical Academy Mangaluru
    37. Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Karad
    38. Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati
    39. Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Imphal
    40. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Puducherry

Only top 40 colleges are listed in NIRF Ranking because not many medical colleges apply for NIRF evaluation. Last year, close to 120 medical colleges applied for evaluation out of the total 500+ medical colleges in India. Some of the premier state government medical colleges such as Stanley Medical College, Osmania Medical College, Gandhi Medical College, etc did not participate in the NIRF evaluation last year. So, it becomes difficult to know the quality and ranking of these remaining 450 Indian medical colleges.

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4. Factors To Consider While Choosing Medical College

Even though, every student have their own preference in choosing medical college, there are some common factors which can help MBBS aspirants and parents do judge the quality of medical college.

MBBSCouncil App contains College Ranking Facility which will help NEET aspirants to rank colleges based on various quality factors such as age of college, number PG courses conducted by the medical college, Average Patients Visiting Outpatients Per day, Total Teaching Beds, etc which will help them during choice filling to decide the order of preference.

4.1 Tuition Fees

The primary factor for college section is tuition fees charged by the medical colleges. Based on the types of medical college and chosen quota, tuition fees varies from Rs 1360 per year to Rs 50 lakhs/year.

Government college tuition fees itself varies from state to state and in some states like Uttar Pradesh, tuition fees varies from college to college. So candidate should rank colleges based on the tuition fees and pick the best ones based on other parameters such as location, patient flow, PG courses, etc

You can find tuition fees for all medical colleges in India under the college details section of the MBBSCouncil Android App. You can also rank colleges using the college ranking facility available for tuition fees under various quotas such as govt college, state govt quota, and management quota.

4.2 Age of the Medical College

Many parents use age of medical college as one of their primary factor in ranking colleges situated in other states during All India Counselling. This also plays key role in determining the quality of private medical colleges. One needs to make sure that there is no debarment history when it comes to private medical colleges.

When it comes to deemed university medical colleges, you should check the year of establishment of the medical college rather than the deemed university. It is obvious that deemed university status would be given only after attaining educational excellence which takes minimum of 25 years.

It takes minimum of 5 years for medical colleges to be fully operational. This is the reason why Medical council of India gives permission to medical colleges for first few years and later convert their status to recognized after sufficient infrastructure and facility is setup.

4.3 Number of MBBS Seats

The total number of MBBS Seats in Medical College also can be used to determine the quality of medical college. National Medical Commission(NMC) has norms which specifies the infrastructure, faculties, facilities, resident doctors based on the number of seats. To get approval for 150 MBBS Seats, it is mandatory to have 300 Beds and average patient flow of 300/day. Medical Colleges that have 250 MBBS seats can be considered as the best medical colleges which good infrastructure and facilities. These medical colleges would have more than 1200 beds and more than 2000 patients visit them everyday.

4.4 PG Courses

The number of PG courses in a medical college determines how many specialized departments are there in a medical college. More the number of departments, better for clinical practice. Doctors who study PG courses are called as junior interns during the post graduate course and senior residents after completing the course.

UG Students get guidance for clinical practice from junior as well as senior resident doctors. The number of super specialty courses and post graduate courses is one of the key ranking factor for choosing a particular medical college. If you are looking for PG course admission, then you need to check the number of DM/MCH super specialty courses conducted by the medical college.

4.5 Average Patient Flow

Medical Education mainly depends on the clinical practice. Clinical Practice starts during the Anatomy class of Ist Year MBBS, so it is even more important to pick colleges which have high patient flow. There are many private medical colleges in many states that have poor patient flow resulting in temporary debarment of medical colleges to conduct MBBS Course. During 2018, 83 medical colleges were debarred from upgradation or lost is recognition status. You need to check if the medical college has any debarment history in the past and avoid them during college selection or choice filling.

4.6 Total Hospital Beds

Another important factor which can be used to judge the quality of clinical practice of medical college hospital is the total number of In-patient beds in the hospital. More than 500 beds in the affiliated hospital is considered to be good medical college. You need to add beds in each department of the medical hospital to calculate the total beds.

Worried About NEET Admission Counselling?

You need to know medical college types, college ranking, tuition fees, seat matrix, quota, reservation, domicile rules, counselling rounds, state rank list, choice filling, allotment rules, up-gradation rules, compulsory service bond, penalty, intern stipend, career prospects, last year closing rank cut off, in order to avoid making any mistake during counselling.

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4.7 Compulsory Rural Service

Central govt run Medical Colleges do not insist on compulsory rural service but many state governments asks medical UG students to sign bond for minimum of 1 year for compulsory rural service. The number of years varies from state to state.  If you want to skip compulsory service, then you need to pay penalty ranging between Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 40 lakhs. ESI Medical Colleges mandates 1 year compulsory rural service and AFMC mandates 7 years compulsory service. Penalty amount in Armed Forces Medical College if you resign before 7 years is Rs 60 lakhs.

4.8 Internal PG Quota

University college of Medical Sciences and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University has 50% internal PG Quota for students who studied from the university in its affiliated colleges. JIPMER Puducherry, Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, Many Gujarat Universities, Armed Forces Medical College Pune also provides internal PG quota for its students. NEET PG cut off will be less through internal quota if PG to MBBS seat ratio is on the higher side.

4.9 Internship Stipend

Even though, it is not major factor while deciding college preference, many top scoring candidates say that internship stipend is biggest advantage of joining central government run medical colleges apart from the no bond for compulsory service.

After 4.5 years of study, you have to do 1 year internship training in the hospital. You will work in various departments and during that time, you will get stipend.  The stipend amount varies from state to state and is given below.

Rajasthan – Rs 7000 /Month
Delhi – Rs 23500/Month
IPU – Rs 23500/Month
Bihar – Rs 15,000 / Month
Jharkhand – 17,900 / Month
Uttar Pradesh – 12,000 / Month
Madhya Pradesh – 7000 / Month
Haryana – 9000 / Month
Gujarat – 18000 / Month
Maharashtra – 11000 / Month
Punjab – 9000 / Month
West Bengal – 28050 / Month
Tamil Nadu – 21200 / Month
Andhra Pradesh -19500/Month
Kerala – 25000 / Month
Karnataka – 30000 / Month
Tripura – 7500 / Month
Odisha – 20,000 / Month
AMU – Rs 23500/Month
Assam – Rs 21000/Month
JIPMER – Rs 23500/Month
AIIMS – Rs 23500/Month
Jammu Kashmir – Rs 12000 / Month

4.10 College Location

Medical Colleges situated in heart of the city attracts lot of patients which gives exposure to spectrum of diseases during the study as well as during the clinical clerkship. Students who study far away from their native should make sure that there is air connectivity if they choose smaller towns.

Another important thing to consider medical colleges in cities is availability of PG coaching centers. Even-though there are plenty of options available for online coaching if you are keen to go for offline coaching, it would be wise to choose colleges located in big cities.

5. Conclusion

MBBSCouncil App contains College Ranking Facility which will help NEET aspirants to rank colleges based on various quality factors such as age of college, number PG courses conducted by the medical college, Average Patients Visiting Outpatients Per day, Total Teaching Beds, etc which will help them during choice filling to decide the order of preference.


You can reach me for MBBS/NEET PG Admission consulting by using dial button available on the home screen of MBBSCouncil App.

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  • w
    I very much interested to study MBBS.I am able to get the score of around 350 in NEET.Plz guide me how to proceed to get the admisssion in MBBS.

    • You can try management quota in deemed university counselling conducted by Medical Counselling Committee. Tuition fees would be Rs 20 Lakhs/Year


  • I am very much interested to study in MBBS,I am able to get the score of 300 marks in NEET 2021 . Please guide me how to proceed to get the admission in MBBS.

  • my son will score 450 in neet.
    please give some idea how to get self finance colleges at reasonable fee structure
    he belongs to chiristian from scheduled cast. OBC category


    • it will start after the obc ews reservation issue is sorted out by the supreme court. tentatively it will be on 2nd week of jan 2022

  • My child score approximately 400-410 will be in neet 2022.Is there possible to get government seat and government collage in INC/Tamilnadu state council under MBC-NLC.

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